Generate high-quality AI futanari porn & hentai. For free.
Finally, a NSFW futanari generator that understands exactly what you want.

50,000+ art enthusiasts use BetterWaifu to generate better images

9/20/2024, 2:08:00 PM
I have really tried a lot of image generators. But this one is (at least for me) by far the best one. Sometimes the results are very surprising and most of the time just amazing. Sometimes I just can't get what I really want somewhere else, then I come back here, play around a little with the prompt and seed and voila. You guys did something really good here!

9/5/2024, 6:37:00 AM
So being very ADD and knowing it was this years hobby, I have been going around and reading as much information as I can about different AI for image generation. Better waifu has become my main platform that I'm using. I got a couple others that I bounce around to. Generally Better waifu gives me the best results for myself

9/2/2024, 10:55:00 PM
And after 4 days of trying all kinds of stuff, I have to say that you are doing a great job with this image creator. I am also using and, but despite the fact that they have a lot of Models and Extensions, the results here with this creator are most of the time way better. At least for me. "Playing" with the promts and the seed is giving me amazing results as well as surprising ones. 😂